Help reveal the impact of NHS underfunding

Christopher Gee, Orthopaedic Registrar

“There just isn’t the social care package available at short notice for these patients, they often end up sitting in hospital at weeks at a time, just waiting”


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Joe Ebbs, Junior Doctor

“The staff crisis is going to worsen and invariably this is going to mean increased waiting time and it’s true that levels of care will deteriorate, because you do need the human resources to deliver the care.”

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Louise Irvine, General Practitioner

“We’ve cut the number of district nurses. We’ve lost all our community matrons. There are going to be cuts to the health visitor numbers in Lewisham. In Bromley they are going to abolish school nursing altogether. In Southwark they are making big cuts to health visiting.”

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Christine Jefferies, Registered General Nurse

“At the moment I’ve got 6 trained staff leaving the unit so that’s 6 trained nurses leaving at once. We don’t have anybody to replace them. So what we do is struggle on.”

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Professor Cathy Warwick, Royal College of Midwives

“I think increasingly the crisis is constant, certainly I go out and about a lot, across the UK, but particularly in England, and midwives particularly in our large acute services, are saying that the demands are just endless.”

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Tony O’Sullivan, Retired Paediatrician in Lewisham

“The NHS staff are very committed to keeping the NHS going and it remains something of huge pride, but I know that a lot of services get through by people doing unpaid overtime to massive degree”

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Tell us your experience of underfunding

Help explain how pressure on resources affects your job.

  • What is it like working under pressure in the NHS? What kind of compromises do you have to make? Do patients suffer as a result of lack of resources? How does it feel to work in the NHS at the moment? Are you optimistic about the future?
  • Max. file size: 3 MB.