Articles on deskilling the workforce

NHS Bosses Plan to sell Temp Agency

By NHS Support Federation | 24th February 2016

Department of Health bosses are planning to privatise a temp agency for NHS medics and support staff, it was reported … Read more

Higher ratio of HCAs linked with increased mortality

By NHS Support Federation | 18th February 2016

New research into staffing levels within NHS hospitals has suggested a link between a higher proportion of healthcare assistants per patient … Read more

Agencies struggle to meet NHS demand following pay cap

By NHS Support Federation | 11th February 2016

The ability of recruitment agencies to find nurses and doctors to fill gaps in hospital shifts has worsened since the … Read more

One fifth of consultants state that rota gaps are causing ‘significant problems for patient safety’

By NHS Support Federation | 1st February 2016

The latest census of consultant physicians and higher specialty trainees in the UK (2014/15) produced by the Royal College of Physicians, Royal … Read more

‘Costs of agency staff are spiraling out of control say midwives’

By NHS Support Federation | 25th January 2016

NHS trusts in England pay almost fifty pounds per hour for agency midwives when the normal rate of pay for … Read more

Number of mental health nurses falls 10%

By NHS Support Federation | 16th January 2016

The number of specialist mental health nurses has fallen more than 10% over the past five years, the Guardian has … Read more

Staff shortages common theme across NHS, warns CQC

By NHS Support Federation | 15th October 2015

Staffing shortfalls have been identified as a key factor affecting patient safety in hospitals and care homes, according to a … Read more

Maternity services overworked, understaffed and struggling to cope shows senior midwives survey

By NHS Support Federation | 14th October 2015

Maternity unit closures, budget and training cuts and reduced services are among the issues highlighted by a survey of UK … Read more

UNISON survey shows NHS staff are overworked and underpaid

By NHS Support Federation | 20th November 2014

A new survey by UNISON, the UK’s biggest health trade union, reveals that three quarters of NHS workers said there … Read more