UNISON survey shows NHS staff are overworked and underpaid

A new survey by UNISON, the UK’s biggest health trade union, reveals that three quarters of NHS workers said there isn’t enough staff in their ward or team and that almost two thirds (63%) are worried about patient safety as a result.

The online survey of 3,380 UNISON members reveals how workers are working harder and longer hours for free to make up for the staff shortages. Nearly two thirds (64%) of NHS staff work overtime and almost three in five (58%) said their workload has increased.

It also reveals that 70% of them are not paid when they work over their shift, two thirds rarely leave work on time and half (49%) are not able to take breaks because of their workload.

More than three quarters (77%) said they are not at all satisfied with their pay and seven in ten don’t feel valued by their employers despite the extra effort and goodwill NHS workers bring to the service.

A staggering four in five (83%) NHS workers said they have to work more for less money and more than seven in ten (71%) said they had a poor work life balance.

See UNISON website