One fifth of consultants state that rota gaps are causing ‘significant problems for patient safety’

The latest census of consultant physicians and higher specialty trainees in the UK (2014/15) produced by the Royal College of Physicians, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, highlights significant concerns around filling gaps in trainee rotas.

Published in full today, the annual census measures the number of UK consultants and higher specialty trainees in all medical specialties, as well as capturing the views of those in the profession.

As part of the census, consultant physicians were asked about the gaps they face in their trainees’ rotas and their concerns. The findings from the consultant census show that trainee rota gaps were reported by 21% of respondents as, ‘frequent, such that they cause significant problems for patient safety’. This problem is reported more among consultants who have an acute or general medical commitment (28%). A further 48% stated rota gaps happened ‘often, but usually with a workaround solution such that patient safety is not compromised’.

For full article see Royal College of Physicians 1 February 2016