Hospital chief offers ‘no guarantees’ over under threat services

The man leading the plan to cut more than £260million from local NHS spending has admitted he can’t “offer any guarantees” amid fears for the future of services

Prof Andrew Hardy, UHCW chief executive, fronts the Coventry and Warwickshire Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP), which has now been officially released after being leaked last week.

The STP is being drawn up to address the need to bridge the local NHS funding gap of £267m which will exist by 2020 if services stay the same in the region.

The Telegraph and BBC revealed parts of the leaked plan last week, including a threat to A&E services.

The plan has been criticised for being “opaque,” “incomprehensible” and “secretive” but it does confirm a review of the “sustainability” of under-pressure emergency care at George Eliot Hospital (GEH) and University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW), while also highlighting the need for capital to “right size” the A&E department in Coventry due to “GEH and UHCW collaboration activity”.

Full story in The Coventry Telegraph, 7 December 2016