‘Closure’ of Grantham A&E and maternity services overhaul revealed in leaked report

A leaked health report suggests A&E service at Grantham hospital could potentially end and maternity services could be centralised across Lincolnshire.

The strategic transformation plan is a document which suggests a long term plan to try and transform health services across Lincolnshire to make it more sustainable.

The BBC has had sight of the document ahead of its official release next week.

The report indicated A&E services at Grantham hospital could close for good and be replaced with an urgent care centre instead.

The A&E department is currently closed at night which has led to protests to save the department.

And the BBC say maternity services could be centralised by either developing services over two sites at Boston and Lincoln or making some services, including consultants, to Lincoln County Hospital only.

Phillip Bosworth of Boston Focus Group told the BBC this is downgrading vital services at Boston Pilgrim.

Full story in Lincolnshire Live 6 December 2016