Isle of Wight Labour welcomes rejection of NHS STP document

There is a recommendation to not endorse the STP document, which Labour councillor, Geoff Lumley believes is “an attempt by a Tory Government quango, NHS England to undermine and close down many of our highly-valued NHS services.”

The IW Council Labour Group has warmly welcomed the recommendation to next week’s Executive by Cllr Steve Stubbings not to endorse the Hants & IW NHS Sustainability & Transformation Plan (STP) and to continue to lobby NHS England to ensure that the needs of Island residents are fully taken into account.

Since September IW Labour and their IW Councillors have been lobbying Cllr Stubbings and his administration colleagues for a rejection of the STP.

At the Tory-dominated Scrutiny Committee in October Labour’s Cllr Geoff Lumley tried and unsurprisingly failed to secure support for rejection. And Cllr Hollands raised concerns at the Health Scrutiny Sub-Committee.

Full Story on On The Wight 8 December 2016