NHS staff survey: more staff working extra hours

The percentage of NHS staff reporting that they are working extra hours has reached a five year high according to the NHS staff survey results published on Tuesday.

The results of the 2015 poll, carried out from September to December, show working extra hours has reached a peak. Almost three quarters of NHS staff, 73 per cent, said they work extra hours, up from its lowest level of 64 per cent in 2011.

Sixty-eight per cent said they did not work any paid overtime above their contracted weekly hours, but only 40 per cent of staff said they did not work any unpaid overtime each week.

Almost half of NHS staff disagreed or strongly disagreed that there were enough staff at their organisation for them to do their job properly, while 31 per cent said they were unable to meet conflicting demands on their time.

Full story in the Health Services Journal, 23 February 2016

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