30 CCGs in deficit by end of financial year

Thirty CCGs are set to end 2015/16 with a combined deficit of half a billion pounds, NHS England board papers reveal, an increase of more than a third on previous years.

The papers also show that NHS England expects to underspend by £132 million on its £10.3bn budget for primary care and secondary dental care.

Some CCGs have struggled balance the books since their inception but this finance report, to be confirmed at NHS England’s board meeting on Thursday, shows a marked decline in performance on last year when 19 CCGs ended in deficit.

The financial report states: ‘There are 35 CCGs forecasting a position better than their annual plan and 27 CCGs forecasting a position worse than their annual plan. Thirty CCGs are forecasting cumulative deficits, 9 of which are unplanned, taking the total forecast for cumulative deficits to £544m.’ As of December, 45 CCGs were reporting overspends, with 11 of these greater than 1% of their budget, though this position was expected to improve.

Full story in Pulse 23 February 2016