Articles on deskilling the workforce

Hospital doctors ‘miss signs of illness’ because of chronic staff shortages

By NHS Support Federation | 20th August 2016

“Dangerous” medical understaffing in hospitals is so rife that signs of illness are being missed, blood tests delayed and newly … Read more

Lincolnshire trust confirms night time A&E closure

By NHS Support Federation | 17th August 2016

ACUTE CARE: United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust has confirmed it will go ahead with plans to close the accident and emergency … Read more

NHS ‘heading into extremely difficult autumn’ amid rising rota gaps

By NHS Support Federation | 17th August 2016

Healthcare services and its professionals are “heading into an extremely difficult autumn”, the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) has warned … Read more

NHS reform: Why sustainability transformation plans could be dangerous

By NHS Support Federation | 2nd August 2016

Across England, 44 ‘footprint’ areas are drawing up sustainability and transformation plans (STPs) for the NHS in their region. But … Read more

Government must solve NHS cash crisis, says UNISON

By NHS Support Federation | 19th July 2016

Commenting on the publication today (Tuesday) of the Health Select Committee report on the government’s spending review, UNISON head of health … Read more

Exclusive: Mackey tells trusts to curb clinical staff growth

By NHS Support Federation | 13th July 2016

Some trusts could have fewer clinical staff after regulators’ intervention Jim Mackey says trusts that exceed 1:8 nurse to patient … Read more

Staffing matters; funding counts: Workforce profile and trends in the English NHS

By NHS Support Federation | 11th July 2016

Staffing matters; funding counts examines the profile and features of the NHS workforce in England, including; health labour market trends; … Read more

NHS finances outside the EU: Health Foundation analysis of the impact on NHS finances of the UK leaving the European Union

By NHS Support Federation | 11th July 2016

This briefing explores what the UK leaving the EU might mean for funding of the NHS in England. It then … Read more

Unions attack ‘ill-informed’ bursary reform plans

By NHS Support Federation | 1st July 2016

Government plans to replace bursaries for student nurses and midwives with a system of loans are “ill-informed” and represent an … Read more

Health chiefs warn of ‘reckless’ cuts in student nurse funding

By NHS Support Federation | 20th June 2016

Britain’s major health organisations have called on the government to put a stop to “reckless” plans to reform student nurse … Read more