Unions attack ‘ill-informed’ bursary reform plans

Government plans to replace bursaries for student nurses and midwives with a system of loans are “ill-informed” and represent an “unprecedented gamble”, the royal colleges have warned.

Both the Royal College of Nursing and the Royal College of Midwifery have submitted their responses to controversial plans to scrap the nursing bursary and tuition fees payment and replace them with a system of loans.

Under current government proposals, the new system would come into operation from September 2017.

The government has claimed that removing the bursary will free up universities to run as many course places as they can fill, potentially leading to 10,000 additional nursing, midwifery and allied health training places by 2020.

But unions have argued that the plans will saddle future students with large debts and deter many from choosing a career in nursing or midwifery.

Full story in The Nursing Times 1 July 2016