Articles on deskilling the workforce

Survey reveals working for the NHS is making staff sick with stress

By NHS Support Federation | 14th April 2018

Full Story in Devon Live 14 April 2018 NHS staff in Devon don’t look forward to going to work and … Read more

Unless quick action is taken on staffing NHS risks more cancelled procedures in 2018

By NHS Support Federation | 12th March 2018

Full Story in National Health Executive 12 March 2018 The NHS is being “pushed to its limit,” according the Royal … Read more

Trusts set up private companies to save vital staff.

By NHS Support Federation | 26th February 2018

Full Story at Open Democracy, 26 February 2018 Dozens of NHS hospital trusts across England are looking at (or already … Read more

More EU27 staff quit as the Brexit impacts continue.

By NHS Support Federation | 13th January 2018

Full story at The Guardian 13 January 2018 Increasing numbers of European Union-trained ambulance staff are quitting the NHS, raising … Read more

Swindon CCG applies for 20 GPs from overseas

By NHS Support Federation | 11th January 2018

Full Story at Swindon Advertiser 11 January 2018 A GP shortfall could be partly plugged by recruits from abroad. Swindon … Read more

GPs losing sleep over patient safety fears, says head of profession

By NHS Support Federation | 9th October 2017

Prof Helen Stokes-Lampard, chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners, says colleagues are left anxious by overwork and exhaustion … Read more

Public sector pay cap: NHS staff real income cut by almost £2,000 over seven years of wage squeeze

By NHS Support Federation | 21st September 2017

The damage inflicted on the living standards of NHS staff by the Government’s pay freezes and caps has been underlined by new … Read more

‘Enough is enough’: nurses protest against pay cap outside Westminster

By NHS Support Federation | 6th September 2017

Nurses have expressed their anger over the public sector pay cap in a protest outside parliament, warning the government they … Read more

Is it any wonder the NHS is struggling to recruit homegrown GPs when their job has been reduced to little more than delivering bad news?

By NHS Support Federation | 4th September 2017

As the NHS launches a £100m drive to recruit foreign GPs, it’s hard to know what to think. Perhaps we should feel … Read more

NHS pursuing foreign GPs with £100m recruitment drive

By NHS Support Federation | 1st September 2017

The NHS will pay agencies up to £100 million to recruit GPs from abroad in a bid to increase staffing … Read more