Public sector pay cap: NHS staff real income cut by almost £2,000 over seven years of wage squeeze

The damage inflicted on the living standards of NHS staff by the Government’s pay freezes and caps has been underlined by new figures, which show the average health worker enduring a real terms cut of almost £2,000 over the past seven years.

The figure, highlighted by the GMB union, will intensify the pressure on the Government to lift the 1 per cent public sector pay cap, for all public sector workers.

The median average salary of all NHS staff in June 2017 was £31,526 a year, according to data from the health service released on Thursday.

That compares with a like-for-like figure of £29,132 in August 2010.

Consumer price inflation has risen by 15 per cent over that period, translating into a real terms cut for these workers of £1,985 a year.

Yet the average conceals that some NHS workers have suffered still bigger real terms reductions in pay.

The pay of ambulance staff is down £5,286 in real terms and for midwives it is £3,504 lower.

Full story in The Independent, 21 September 2017