Articles on deskilling the workforce

Mental health nurse turnover linked to suicide rate

By NHS Support Federation | 26th April 2016

Mental health services with higher levels of staff turnover have higher patient suicide rates, according to UK researchers. The study … Read more

LMCs declare ‘state of emergency’ amid chronic shortage of GPs

By NHS Support Federation | 20th April 2016

London GP leaders have declared a ‘state of emergency’ amid a chronic shortage of GPs, as a third of GP … Read more

Transplants axed and wards closed amid trust’s nurse shortage

By NHS Support Federation | 18th April 2016

Liver transplant operations at one of the country’s flagship teaching hospitals have been cancelled because of a shortage of critical … Read more

Trust forced to downgrade A&E after locum doctor crisis

By NHS Support Federation | 14th April 2016

A teaching hospital has been forced to downgrade one of its two accident and emergency departments after a crisis in … Read more

NHS looks to India for GPs in attempt to make up shortfall

By NHS Support Federation | 9th April 2016

The NHS is looking at recruiting GPs from India in an attempt to tackle the serious shortage of family doctors. … Read more

Hospital staffing crisis as 40% of consultant posts remain vacant

By NHS Support Federation | 15th March 2016

Royal College of Physicians says ‘gathering storm’ of problems puts health secretary’s seven-day NHS plan at risk. Hospitals are facing … Read more

Hospitals forced to cut night cover due to staff shortages

By NHS Support Federation | 11th March 2016

Hospitals have been forced to reduce medical cover on wards at night or reduce training for junior doctors because they … Read more

Warning overseas recruitment is only a ‘stop gap’ for nurse shortages

By NHS Support Federation | 10th March 2016

Widespread nurse shortages across England that have led to thousands of vacancies will not be solved long-term by overseas recruitment, … Read more

Health trusts reveal thousands of doctor and nursing positions lie vacant

By NHS Support Federation | 1st March 2016

One in ten nursing positions and thousands of doctor posts are lying vacant, trusts and health boards have said. Around two-thirds of … Read more

“Findings about staffing levels are not new but are still unheard”

By NHS Support Federation | 26th February 2016

This month saw the publication of our latest research on nurse staffing levels in the BMJ Open. In most respects, the … Read more