LMCs declare ‘state of emergency’ amid chronic shortage of GPs

London GP leaders have declared a ‘state of emergency’ amid a chronic shortage of GPs, as a third of GP practices in in the capital are missing at least one GP.

Londonwide LMCs chief executive Dr Michelle Drage warned that increasing pressures were ‘causing people to leave in their droves’ and were responsible for the dramatic drop in GP numbers, revealed in a new workforce survey.

The Londonwide LMCs survey found that almost half GP practices in London are short at least one member of staff and 39 practices in the capital are considering handing back the keys within the next three years.

Meanwhile, the numbers of doctors applying to London training schemes decreased in comparison with the rest of the country in 2015 and a significant number are leaving the capital once they have completed their GP training, further compounding shortages, the LMCs warned.

For full article see Pulse Today 20 April 2016