Vanguard site issues multi-billion-pound tender in NHS first

A multi-billion pound tender has been issued for one of the most advanced national vanguard sites, in what is believed to be a first.

Dudley Clinical Commissioning Group published a procurement notice worth up to £5bn over up to 15 years on 9 June – the day after last week’s general election vote.

It is believed to be the first tender to be issued for an MCP new care model by a site in the national vanguard programme.

For some GP practices – those which choose to be “fully integrated” with the MCP – it is expected to mean moving off their current core GP contract, onto an arrangement managed by the MCP provider. This will represent a significant break for the NHS.

Commissioners want the contract to begin on 1 April next year. It will be worth between £3.4bn and £5.4bn.

Full story in the HSJ, 13 June 2017