Trusts need millions in extra funding for Mid Staffs dissolution

Trust leaders in the Midlands are seeking millions of pounds in extra financial support linked to the dissolution of Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust, HSJ has learned.

University Hospital of North Midlands Trust is forecasting one of the largest year-end deficits in the country for 2017-18 at £119m.

HSJ has learned it has asked NHS Improvement and the Department of Health for at least £15m in additional funding to cover costs associated with the services the trust took over at Stafford Hospital more than three years ago.

The Royal Wolverhampton Trust has also asked the DH and NHSI for at least £6m in funding linked to services it took over in Cannock Chase, a hospital previously part of the Mid Staffordshire FT.

Discussions with the Department of Health and the regulator are ongoing and no decision has been reached, HSJ understands, but the need for additional money underlines the failure of the trust special administration process designed to break up Mid Staffs and put in place a three-year deal on transition funding worth more than £300m.

NHS England is already providing £15m of funding to Stafford and Surrounds Clinical Commissioning Group as part of the TSA process.

By the end of April, UHNM was reporting an in-year deficit of £14m and had a total drawdown revenue facility from NHSI of £116m. In March the trust was put in financial special measures.

Full story in The HSJ, 12 June 2017