Hundreds of NHS supporters from Brighton and Hove join national demo in London

Sussex Defend the NHS and the GMB both organised travel for the train journey there and back.

In London they tens of thousands of people marching to Parliament Square – with some estimates putting the number at about 250,000. There were no arrests.

The Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn addressed the “Save Our NHS” rally which the organisers said was a protest against austerity cuts and the threat that they pose to patient safety.

Sussex and Brighton Students carried a large banner bearing the message “People before profit” and “Save Our NHS”.

Many of those taking part were critical of the contracting out of services and what one described as “privatisation by stealth”.

The private finance initiative deals that funded new hospital buildings, surgeries and clinics also came under fire, particularly for the legacy of debt repayments.

Read More at: Brighton & Hove News (5th March 2017)