£4m MRI scanners set to cut waiting times at Kent and Canterbury Hospital

A £4m investment to deliver two new scanners at Kent and Canterbury Hospital will cut patients’ waiting times and produce higher-quality images for doctors, health bosses say.

East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, which last week exited special measures, has pumped the cash into a new Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) unit at the hospital.

Building work has begun on the new unit, which will include an extra MRI scanner, a replacement for the existing one, and renovation of the inpatient and outpatient waiting areas.

MRIs take detailed images of the inside of almost every part of the body. Doctors use the scan results to help diagnose conditions, plan treatments and assess how effective previous treatment has been.

East Kent Hospitals’ radiology general manager, Colin Fell, said: “The new scanner is a wonderful addition to the services we already provide, and the new unit as a whole will help to reduce MRI wait times, and improve medical imaging services across the region.

“This is an exciting development that will help us give even better care for patients.”

The need for MRI scans is increasing and the new scanners will allow both faster scanning times and the high-quality imaging that some of today’s complex medical investigations require.

Read More at: KentNews ( 6th March 2017)