Cutbacks loom for county’s health services

Full story in The Yorkshire Post, 19 February 2018

A forecast deficit of £40m across four main clinical groups (CCG) in North Yorkshire is expected to force a decision by NHS England to put them all into special measures. Turnaround consultants are likely to be drafted in draw up savings plans for NHS services in the county which have been beset by a series of financial crises for the last 15 years.

Last night there were calls for frontline services to be protected amid concerns over the impact on care of spending cuts. The CCG’s financial problems were revealed just days after The Yorkshire post reported that NHS trust in Yorkshire and Humber are currently around £150m in debt. Fears have been raised that their deficit would increase by the end of March. Vale of York is a CCG in special measures and is predicting £16m deficit. The deficits are on top of serious financial problems affecting other NHS organisations in the county, with hospital trusts running services in Harrogate, York and Scarborough also falling heavily into the red.