CCG needs to show more ‘gravitas’ and ‘get a grip’ says NHS England

Full Story at HSJ 19 March 2018

A struggling clinical commissioning group was told it needed to show “stronger evidence of gravitas and grip” and move away from a “reactive and negatively critical approach” by an NHS England review.

The “diagnostic review” of Coastal West Sussex CCG was carried out by NHS England in early 2017 but has just been released to HSJ after a freedom of information request.

The report, dated March 2017, concluded that the CCG, which covers 500,000 people on the south coast, needed to “rapidly stabilise the challenged situation it finds itself in”.

It said: “The breadth and depth of issues requiring remedial attention are significant and cover immediate, medium and long term timeframes in respect of leadership, planning, delivery, governance, workforce and external relationships.”