Thousands of patients could be forced into care homes due to CCG cuts

Thousands of patients could be forced into residential care as a result of clinical commissioning groups restricting funding for care at home, data shared with HSJ reveals.

Thirty-seven CCGs have set cost restrictions on NHS Continuing Healthcare funding, which pays for ongoing care for adults who are assessed as having a primary medical care need. It is arranged and funded solely by the NHS.

Nineteen CCGs have said they will not fund care in a person’s own home if the cost is more than 10 per cent above that of an “alternative option”, which is normally a residential care home placement. A further seven CCGs have set cost caps at 20, 25 or 40 per cent above care home fees.

Eleven commissioners have said they will restrict the cost of individual Continuing Healthcare funding but have not set a cap.

Full story in HSJ 23 January 2017