Articles on deskilling the workforce

NHS intensive care ‘at its limits’ because of staff shortages

By NHS Support Federation | 29th January 2017

The NHS’s network of intensive care units is “at its limits” because they are overwhelmed by staff shortages and the … Read more

NHS spending per person will be cut next year, ministers confirm

By NHS Support Federation | 27th January 2017

The Government will cut the National Health Service’s budget per person in real terms next year, ministers have admitted in … Read more

Hospitals cancelled record number of urgent operations last year

By NHS Support Federation | 27th January 2017

Hospitals cancelled a record number of urgent operations last year as bed shortages left them struggling to cope with the … Read more

GP workforce shrunk over the past year in major blow to 5,000 target

By NHS Support Federation | 25th January 2017

The number of GPs working in the NHS in England has dropped in the past year, striking a blow to … Read more

Is the NHS in crisis?

By NHS Support Federation | 24th January 2017

The chairman of the Leeds Health Scrutiny Board certainly thinks so. In a letter to the Yorkshire Evening Post, Coun … Read more

NHS Hospital wards left with ‘dangerously low levels of nurses’

By NHS Support Federation | 19th January 2017

Hospitals are running wards with a dangerously low number of nurses and are using healthcare workers as “stand-ins”, according to a … Read more

Theresa May accused of ‘playing down’ NHS crisis and ‘scapegoating’ GPs

By NHS Support Federation | 17th January 2017

The BMA’s chairman, Dr Mark Porter, said the underfunding of the NHS and “salami slicing” has led to a situation … Read more

How the ‘humanitarian’ crisis in the NHS is paving the way for private healthcare

By NHS Support Federation | 12th January 2017

It has been a calamitous winter inside the NHS.  Last week, three people tragically died at Worcestershire Royal hospital with … Read more

GPs asked to come into hospital to discharge patients and take on care

By NHS Support Federation | 12th January 2017

NHS managers in the Midlands have put out an urgent call for GPs to go in to their local hospital … Read more

More than 20 NHS hospitals on ‘black alert’ amid reports of patients left in ambulances

By NHS Support Federation | 12th January 2017

Overcrowding in NHS hospitals has become so severe that last week more than 20 trusts issued ‘black alerts’, meaning they … Read more