NHS under “the biggest cash squeeze in its history” says Labour MP

Three patients in need of treatment in intensive care are ‘harmed’ after there were no beds available when they were in critical conditions. The Care Quality Commission rated South Tees NHS Trust ‘inadequate’ for its delivery of intensive care. Middlesbrough’s Labour MP-Andy McDonald-held the government responsible for under funded services. He said: ” The reality is that this Government has, year on year, since 2010, repeatedly underfunded our NHS, imposing the biggest cash squeeze in its history and cutting public health and social care budgets.

“Dedicated NHS staff work tirelessly in the face of increasing pressures and their care and compassion shines out from the report but that has to be matched by adequate funding from central government that has been sadly lacking.

“That’s why Labour have committed to invest a further £37bn into the NHS and £8bn into Social Care.

“This deliberate decimation of our NHS by the Conservative government has to be stopped.”

Full article available in Gazette Live, 2 July 2019