A&E doctors: ‘This isn’t healthcare, it’s a lottery whether you will survive’

“Accident and Emergency doesn’t exist now, this isn’t healthcare – it’s a war zone and it’s a lottery whether you will survive.”

These are the harrowing words of an emergency doctor working at a Liverpool hospital right now. They are not hyperbole or exaggeration – they tell a truthful story of the bleak and dangerous reality that faces our National Health Service.

For one emergency doctor, working at Aintree Hospital, the situation is past the point of breaking. The situation is more like a war zone with no end in sight.

The doctor said: “It’s awful, but this is just normal now. This weekend was horrendous, every day is horrendous. The demand is out of control.”

They added: “We have covid obviously and flu that is now making people extremely poorly, there are lots of people coming to hospital who need oxygen. We are walking up and down the queues in the corridors to see if people need oxygen or if it has run out.”

Full report in The Liverpool Echo, 7 January 2023