Make Our Views Count: who, why, what?

We came up with the idea for this survey as we could see that the all over the country the NHS is making huge decisions about the future of its services but few members of the public seemed to know about it. Fewer still were getting involved.

There is no doubt that STPs are complicated, but they will affect us all and the time should be taken to seek our views and allow them to influence the direction of these plans.

This national survey is an attempt to collect views about the principles involved in these decisions and some of the specifics of local proposals.

There are active consultations going on across the country and we will collect views, analyse them by area and send them to the relevant local decisions makers.

We hope to learn a lot and get many more people actively involved in healthcare decisions

Thank you for your participation and support, we really appreciate it.

Paul Evans


NHS Support Federation
Dr Carl Walker

Department of Applied Social Science

Brighton University
carl walker photo