‘We have won the first battle’ say North Devon health campaigners

Health campaigners are celebrating an ‘excellent’ result after it was revealed this morning North Devon District Hospital would not lose stroke, A&E and maternity services.

The long-awaited STP results were announced this morning, after a review into Devon’s acute health services.

Ian Williams, of Save Our Hospital Services (SOHS), said: “An excellent initial result and vindication of the SOHS team in establishing the isolation issue for North Devon.

“As with all these points, the devil will be in the detail.

“Many of the cuts have already been implemented: GPs not referring to hospitals if at all possible; closure of community hospitals; and the very much unproven Care at Home principle that has been claimed to be a success.

“DCC are not geared up or funded to cover the Social Aspects and where does clinical care and monitoring fit in?

“We have won the first battle but the new proposals rely on additional docs being available to supplement our local docs.”

Full story in the North Devon Gazette, 20 June 2017