£20.6billion NHS funding increase does not guarantee long-term plan success warns Health Foundation

A report by the Health Foundation points out that the £20.6 billion increase for NHS funding does not guarantee the long-term plan delivery success and the government must start investing in workforce and social care. NHS Confederation survey showed 65% of the 67 leaders from CCGs, trusts and ICSs were ‘not very’ or ‘not at all’ confident that local health systems would be able to meet increased demand for staff as a result of the long-term plan. This was particularly in relation to GPs, community and primary care nurses and the nursing sector in general.

The Nuffield Trust, The King’s Fund and The Health Foundation collectively found that NHS workforce shortfall could increase to 160,000 by 2023/24, including a 7,000 GP shortfall.

Full article in Pulse, 20 June 2019