This winter 100,000 patients waited 30 minutes in an ambulance


Full story at The Guardian 18 January 2018

More than 100,000 patients this winter have had to wait in the back of an ambulance for at least 30 minutes because of A&E overcrowding, new NHS figures have revealed.
In all 104,987 patients brought to hospitals in England have been stuck inside an ambulance for upwards of half an hour.
They have faced long waits because A&E staff, struggling to cope with a surge in demand for care, have been too busy to accept them at the time they arrive.

Of the 104,987 patients affected, almost a quarter – 24,624 – have endured a delay of at least an hour.
Labour and health unions have criticised the fact that so many ambulances are getting tied up at hospitals and therefore cannot respond quickly enough to 999 calls.