Nearly a third of patients at Coventry and Warwickshire A&Es wait more than four hours

Full Story in Coventry Live 13 April 2018

Nearly a third of patients waited more than four hours in Coventry and Warwickshire A&Es last month.

The latest NHS figures show the winter crisis is continuing, with just 67 per cent of patients waiting less than four hours from arrival to admission, discharge or transfer in major A&Es run by University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire , although this was an improvement from 65 per cent in January

For all A&Es and emergency care run by the trust, 79 per cent of patients waited less than four hours.

George Eliot Hospital saw 77 per cent of patients waiting less than four hours in its A&Es in March, the trust’s worst performance since the measure began being recorded on a monthly basis in June 2015.

At South Warwickshire, 83 per cent of patients waited less than four hours in the trust’s major A&Es, with 85 per cent waiting less than four hours in all of its A&Es.

Currently the agreed A&E recovery plan is for the majority of NHS trusts to be hitting the 95% A&E waiting time target by March 2019.