Ultimatum: Council warns NHS bosses ‘Publish major health plans or we will’

A senior councillor says he will publish a confidential plan for the future of healthcare in Leicestershire himself if NHS managers fail to do so.Councillor Rory Palmer, chairman of the Leicester Health and Wellbeing Board, has issued an ultimatum to have the details of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland’s Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) released.

STPs are five-year plans being drawn up, behind closed doors, across the country.

They set out major changes to how primary care will be delivered.

In some other areas, STPs have been published – against the wishes of NHS officials – by politicians and councils who say they need to be developed in a more transparent manner.

Coun Palmer, the city’s Labour deputy mayor, has written to the lead officer for the STP, Toby Sanders, threatening to do the same.

Full Story on Leicester Mercury 11 November 2016