UCLH to go live with EHR system in 2019

[London, UK] University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH) has now approved a business case to deploy a full Electronic Health Record (EHR) system, calling it the ‘final major piece’ in advancing their digital strategy before becoming a paperless hospital.

The system, which will be provided by Epic, will reportedly offer UCLH clinicians access to integrated electronic records, improving patient care and supporting data sharing across the north central London Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP); a Freedom of Information request submitted by BJ-HC earlier this year revealed the trust was looking at four different options for the EHR system, including Epic.

The deployment of the system is dependent on external funding as the trust is expected to work closely with NHS Improvement and NHS Digital to increase data interoperability within the NHS.

Read More at Health IT Central, 15th March 2017