Trade union calls emergency meeting to discuss future of Bridgwater maternity unit

TRADE unionists and NHS campaigners are holding an emergency public meeting tonight (Tuesday, April 11) due to concerns over the future of the maternity unit at Bridgwater Hospital.

At last month’s Bridgwater Town Council (BTC) meeting, following concerns from users constantly being sent to Musgrove and a visit to the Mary Stanley Suite at Bridgwater Hospital by mayor Alex Glassford and deputy leader Kath Pearce the council launched a ‘Born in Bridgwater’ campaign.

Leader of BTC Cllr Brian Smedley said: “We decided to launch this campaign to raise awareness of the options that the delivery suite presented so that people know they have the opportunity to have their children born in their town. A kind of ‘use it or lose it’ warning.”

Full Article on The Bridgewater Mercury 11 April 2017