Shropshire NHS transformation plan launch challenged by councils

Too vague and not properly developed – that is the damning verdict given today about the NHS plan by both councils serving Shropshire.

Telford & Wrekin Council and Shropshire Council agree there is too much emphasis on the future of the county’s hospitals and not enough on how basic GP services can be sustained when finances are incredibly tight.

Today both councils refused to endorse the draft sustainability and transformation plan, otherwise known as STP, in its present form.

Shropshire’s draft STP, sets out a number of changes and cuts, designed to tackle the predicted deficit in the county’s health and social care services, expected to be £131.4 million by 2021.

The STP outlines how the NHS plans to transform and make financially sustainable all health services in Telford and Wrekin and Shropshire, including for hospital services and community services.

The STPs are being created by regions across the country and are seen by critics as a way of cutting funds from the NHS.

Full story in Shropshire Star 28 November 2016