Shropshire councils refuse to endorse ‘insufficiently developed’ STP

Two Shropshire councils have refused to endorse the region’s 73-page draft STP, saying that it is insufficiently developed.

Shropshire Council and Telford & Wrekin Council have agreed that there is too much emphasis on the future of Shropshire’s hospitals and not enough on how GP services will be sustained during a tight financial period in the draft STP.

This has led to the councils saying that they have a lack of confidence in the financial projections and the rationale for future cost reductions, arguing that significantly more resources should be put into prevention and reconfiguring community and primary care services.

Malcolm Pate, leader of Shropshire Council, said: “NHS England have instigated a ‘launch’ of the STP, which suggests the plans have been fully worked through and agreed by all parties.

“Unfortunately this is not the case, as it is the opinion of both Shropshire Council and Telford & Wrekin Council that some elements of the document need developing.”

Full story in The National Health Executive 29 November 2016