Shock plans to close A&E, maternity and children’s care at Nuneaton’s hospital

Shock secret plans to close Accident and Emergency, maternity and the children’s unit at the George Eliot Hospital have emergedThey have been leaked to the News’ sister paper the Coventry Telegraph in a document known as the Coventry and Warwickshire ‘Sustainability and Transformation Plan’ (STP), which is not due to be revealed until Tuesday.

Within the STP it contains plans to consolidate services which could lead to the closure A&E, maternity and children’s care at the Eliot and move the services to the University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW).

Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough councillor Barry Longden, cabinet member for health at the Town Hall, has vowed to fight the plans.

“I am so angry that we have been denied access to the STP,” he said.

“The fact that it has been leaked smacks of dirty tactics to try and gain the edge so that people know what is likely to happen.

People will be angry about this, I am angry about this and, personally, I think we should fight it.”

Full story in Nuneaton News 01 December 2016