‘Shameful’ pace of STP rollout risks financial meltdown, warns former NHS commissioning chief

The timescale imposed by NHS England for developing sustainability and transformation plans (STPs) has been condemned as ‘ridiculous’ and ‘shameful’ by the former head of its commissioning policy unit.

Julia Simon, until earlier this month the head of NHS England’s commissioning policy unit and its co-commissioning of primary care programme director, said forcing health and care organisations to come together so quickly to draw up the complex plans was likely to backfire.

Up against tight deadlines, organisations were likely to make unrealistic financial forecasts and claims about benefits to patient care, she warned.

Speaking to GPonline at a London healthcare conference, Ms Simon said the timescale imposed on health and care organisations to draw up STPs was ‘unrealistic’ and ‘an unfair ask’.

Full story in GPonline 28 September 2016