‘Serious concerns’ over future health care in Lincolnshire

The leader of Lincolnshire County Council has expressed “serious concerns” over a proposed shake-up of health services in the county. Councillor Martin Hill was responding to the latest draft of the Lincolnshire Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP).

He said in its current form it would not work for everyone. Health bosses said they would consult on the proposals and take feedback into account when making any decisions.

Every health trust in England has been asked by the government to come up with a five-year plan, which includes the reorganisation of all services including hospitals, GP surgeries and social care.

Mr Hill said: “Although we accept and understand the rationale for change within health services in the county, the executive has serious concerns that the proposals in the current STP will not improve services for everyone.

“Making things better for most people, at the detriment of others, is not good enough,” he said.

Read more at BBC News, 21 March 2017