Rally and march will highlight NHS fears

Campaigners fighting to save the NHS are staging a march and rally this weekend.

Members of Sussex Defend the NHS are joining forces with Brighton and Hove Trades Council to highlight growing public anger at the problems hospitals, doctors and other services are facing.

The event will also be used to protest at the problems tens of thousands of train passengers have been facing over the past year due to delays, cancellations and signal failures.

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell will address the rally when it gathers at Brighton Station on Saturday.

Concerns being raised include the proposed sustainability and transformation plan (STP) for Surrey and East Sussex, which sets out how NHS and social care services will work over the next five years.

The plan could lead to hundreds of millions of pounds being slashed from NHS budgets.

There are fears STPs around the country, will lead to the “total decimation” of NHS services and the NHS as it currently stands will be lost.

Concerns have also been raised about the number of private organisations taking over NHS contracts, and the increased pressures faced by GPs, hospitals and ambulance services.

Sussex Defend the NHSmember Janet Sang said: “We are expecting representation from a wide range of trade unions, political groups and community organisations who share our commitment to defend public services and those who work to provide them.

Full story in The Argus 19th January 2017