Patients urged to write to MPs over NHS as A&E perfomance hits all-time low

Full Story in the Eastern Daily Press 9 March 2018

The county’s busiest hospital recorded the worst A&E performance in the country last month, as a leading emergency medicine organisation urged patients to write to their MPs demanding action over the NHS.

The Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM), which represents emergency doctors, made the unprecedented move after new statistics showed the worst ever performance at major A&E departments across the country.

The NHS sets a target that 95pc of patients attending A&E should be admitted to hospital, transferred to another provider, or discharged within four hours.

But last month the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) saw just 62pc of patients within that time – the worst performance out of 133 NHS trusts where all cases are taken into account including some walk-in centres.