No answers from NHS chief over STP plans as she admits: I’ve only been here five weeks

People expecting to grill NHS chiefs over “secretive” plans to carve up Hackney’s healthcare were furious to discover they could only question one manager for five minutes – because she had to leave early.

Samantha Campbell, head of engagement for the North East London Sustainability and Transformation Plan (NEL STP), was also unable to answer any questions about its finance, admitting she had only been in her post for five weeks.

An Ipsos Mori poll revealed 86 per cent of people have never heard of the plans, which could see England split up into 44 areas that must achieve financial balance by next year.

Hackney’s healthcare would be linked with that in seven other council areas in what would be called the North East London STP and given a target of saving £587million.

Full Article on The Hackney Gazette 17 February 2017