NHS in Yorkshire ‘being dragged back to 1960s through cuts’, warns MP

Attempts to find hundreds of millions of pounds in savings from NHS organisations in Yorkshire are dragging services back to the 1960s, an MP has warned.

The Government is instigating a radical shake-up of services, aimed at accelerating an NHS efficiency plan to improve healthcare while also curbing a massive overspend by the introduction of so-called Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs).

But Bassetlaw MP John Mann told Parliament that a STP for South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw designed to meet a £571m budget black hole for the area’s NHS and social care organisations in the next four years is a “smokescreen for cuts”.

He said the effects of finding savings are already having a major impact – with new mothers told to weigh their own babies, weeks of delays in getting breast cancer screening and the planned downgrading of a children’s unit leaving parents facing the prospect of 80-mile round trips to take their poorly children to hospital for overnight stays.