NHS shake up: Here’s what’s planned for community hospitals

AS many as six community hospitals could be replaced with ‘community hubs’ in the shake-up of health services across Dorset.

Dorset CCG says it wants 100,000 patients a year to be treated closer to home rather than in hospital, particularly elderly people with chronic conditions ‘who can be safely managed in the community.’Under the plans, an extra 69 community beds would be created, including some in local care homes.

However the proposals would see the number of sites with beds reduced from 13 to just seven.

That means Alderney, Westhaven and St Leonards face closure as services there would move to other ‘community hubs.’

Community hubs with beds would be located at the major planned hospital at Poole, Wimborne, Bridport, Blandford, Sherborne, Swanage and Weymouth.

Community hubs without beds would be at Shaftesbury, Christchurch, Dorset County Hospital, Portland and Wareham.

However, it is recommended alternative sites for community hubs without beds are found for the Shaftesbury, Portland and Wareham sites. If these are secured, these community hospitals will close.

The document states St Leonards Hospital would close while the future of the Alderney and Westhaven sites would be subject to a separate reviews of dementia services and mental health services.

Full story in The Bournemouth Echo, 1 December 2016