‘NHS crisis about to hit Derbyshire’, say campaigners

A “crisis” is about to hit the NHS in Derbyshire because campaigners say there are plans to cut 535 county hospital beds.

Around 100 members of the Derby SOS NHS gathered at the Royal Derby Hospital and then went to The Spot, in Osmaston Road. They wheeled a bed from the hospital – which they said was a symbol of the beds being cut.

Adrian Perry, a member of the campaign group, whose aim is to oppose cuts and privatisation of the NHS, said patients would suffer as a result of the plans. He said: “This will have a big impact on patients and their experience in hospital. It will be negative, it will mean the standard of care will reduce.

“There needs to be more investment in the NHS. We do not accept that cuts should take place and we do not accept privatisation.”

Around 100 people attended the event.Mr Perry said he “does not accept” that there is wasted money in the NHS. He added: “Under the Labour government, there was more funding for the NHS and public services in general.
Full story in the Derby Telegraph, 25 March 2017