NHS campaigners head for London

NHS supporters from south Warwickshire took their objections to privatisation to the streets of London.

Members of South Warwickshire Keep Our NHS Public (SWKONP) joined thousands of others in the capital to protest against cuts and campaigning for better funding of the service.

The group has been busy pushing for further information on the Coventry and Warwickshire Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP), which will shape the future of local healthcare.

SWKONP secretary Anna Pollert told The Observer: “A full coach of members of the campaign group joined thousands in calling for proper funding for the NHS and against cuts, closures and privatisation of the NHS.

“SWKONP continues to campaign against threatened, cuts, mergers and closures in the Coventry and Warwickshire STP.”

The group are backing calls by Warwickshire County Council and Warwick District Council to make the plans more transparent after complaints they have been ‘shrouded in secrecy’.

Read More at the Stratford Observer, 18th March 2017