MP demands health bosses reveal details of ‘secret’ NHS cuts plan

Shadow Health Minister Barbara Keeley raised concerns after an investigation found NHS England chiefs had told local leaders to keep the details of a major savings drive under wraps.

A senior Greater Manchester MP has demanded NHS bosses reveal the details of a ‘secret’ health plan that could lead to severe hospital cuts across the region.

Shadow Health Minister Barbara Keeley raised concerns after an investigation found NHS England chiefs had told local leaders to keep the details of a major savings drive under wraps.

But in a shock report, leading think tank the King’s Fund claimed leaders were told not to make details of the plans public, release any details to the media – and even refuse Freedom of Information requests.

Some details from various sustainability and transformation plans have been leaked, and include plans to close some hospitals, A&E units and maternity departments, and merge some services.

It is not yet known where the axe will fall in Greater Manchester.

Full story in Manchester Evening News 14 November 2016