Motion on downgrade of Grantham A&E wins cross-party support but three abstain

A motion put before South Kesteven District Council yesterday saying that a downgrade of Grantham A&E was unacceptable was supported by 24 councillors while three abstained.

The motion was put before the meeting of South Kesteven District Council yesterday by Coun Ray Wootten who said he was disappointed with the number of councillors taking part in the vote.

The motion was heard at the end of the meeting. But Coun Wootten did say he was glad of cross-party support for the motion after it was seconded by Labour group leader Coun Charmaine Morgan.

Coun Wootten told the meeting: “I am disappointed there are only 26 members left in this chamber to hear my motion. I have been a supporter of the NHS all my life and pay tribute to those doctors, nurses and ancillary staff who have worked hard each day for our residents. The message is clear, the public does not want any changes to the services provided at Grantham Hospital and wants the resoration of Grantham A&E 24/7.”

Full Story on The Grantham Journal 20 January 2017