Major new NHS devolution deal revealed

A health and social care devolution style deal is being put in place in Surrey, it has been announced – the second after Greater Manchester.

The arrangement will be similar to the one in Greater Manchester but not exactly the same.

Transformation funding for the Surrey Heartlands area – covering Surrey Downs, North West Surrey, and Guildford and Waverley clinical commissioning groups – will be confirmed for the coming years.

Extended delegated commissioning arrangements are also due to be put in place for the patch, however it is understood these are not yet finalised. The detail – for example of governance and local government involvement – are not yet clear.

It is the first area to receive a similar deal to Greater Manchester. There are some “devolution” arrangements in Greater London but these do not involve significant delegation of powers or budgets.

NHS England said: “This agreement will bring together the NHS locally with Surrey county council to integrate health and social care services and give local leaders and clinicians more control over services and funding.”

Full story in the HSJ, 15 June 2017