Hull Royal Infirmary faces £50m black hole in finances

Hospitals in Hull and East Yorkshire are being forced to find £21m of cuts while facing a £29m gap in funding for services. The huge deficit has exposed the critical financial situation faced by Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (HEY).

Chief finance officer Lee Bond said: “With a £20m gap in the efficiency target and a £29m gap with our commissioners, I’m sat here with something approaching a £50m gap.”

Now, despite eye-watering pressures, NHS Improvement is asking HEY and other hospital trusts across England to sign up to plans to get finances back in the black.

HEY is being asked to commit to achieving a £5.6m surplus by the end of March 2018 while negotiations are still ongoing to close the £29m gap with organisations paying for health care, including Hull and East Riding Clinical Commissioning Groups and NHS England.

Full story in The Hull Daily Mail 2nd December 2016