Hospital outlines future plans as campaigners claim report reveals job losses and A&E reductions

Campaign group Save Our Hospitals claim a new report shows 500 to 600 hospital beds will be lost at Charing Cross and Ealing hospitals

Health care campaigners have claimed there are plans to close Ealing and Charing Cross Hospitals as acute major hospitals, slash services and cut almost NHS 8,000 jobs in north west London.

The group says documents provided following a Freedom of Information request reveals the full impact the cost-cutting Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) could have on the area . The claim of hospital closures was categorically denied by the NHS, which said hospitals were not closing and pointed to a £500million investment programme revealed in December.

Campaign group, Save Our Hospitals, say up to 600 hospital beds will also be lost with the closure of Charing Cross and Ealing as a major acute hospital.

The findings were released on Thursday (January 26), the same day Dr Tracey Batten, the chief executive of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust announced she was stepping down from her position of chief executive.

Full story in Get West London 31st January 2017